Ph: 825.512.5343

3-Day Trial + New Members


3-Day Trial   

Getting Started

-You can pick any class on our schedule that fits your experience level (Beginner classes – Less than 1 year of training in the sport, Advanced classes – More than 1 year of training in the sport).

-There’s no need to book/reserve a spot. Simply show up on a day that works for you.

-Please arrive 10-15 minutes before your first class begins. This will give you time to fill out our waiver, get changed, etc.

-You’ll then have 3 consecutive days to try out classes.

*The 3-Day trial is for anyone looking to try out the gym for the first time.

*A parent/guardian is required to sign the waiver if the participant is under 18 years old.

*All classes are 14+.


Required Equipment

Muay Thai Kickboxing

 -The gym will provide gloves and shin guards if you don’t own a set

-Athletic clothes and indoor flip flops


-The gym will provide gloves if you don’t have a pair

-Athletic clothes and indoor flip flops

BJJ – No Gi

-Rashguards, Spats, MMA shorts are the best options to wear. If you don’t have any then please wear tight-fitting athletic clothes.

-Clothing cannot have Zippers or exposed velcro

-Indoor flip flops

BJJ – Gi

-A Gi

-Indoor flip flops

New Members

Required Equipment

Muay Thai Kickboxing

-16 oz Boxing Gloves, Shinguards, Shorts, Athletic Shirt, Indoor Flip Flops

-Handwraps are recommended

-Mouthguard is required for Friday Sparring


-16 oz Boxing Gloves, Shorts, Athletic Shirt, Indoor Flip Flops

-Hand wraps are recommended

 -Mouthguard is required for Friday Sparring

BJJ – No Gi

-Rashguard and spats or

Rashguard and spats with MMA shorts over top of spats or

Rashguard and MMA shorts

-Indoor Flip Flops

-Mouthguard is recommended

-Loose/baggy clothing, pockets, zippers and exposed velcro are not allowed

BJJ – Gi

-Gi, Indoor Flip Flops

-Mouthguard is recommended

*We ask that you don’t wear other gyms/teams clothing.

*You can buy clothing and equipment at the front desk or you’re welcome to shop around. Our friends at The Clinch Fight Shop always carry a great inventory!



 -We have a high standard of personal hygiene at Kingdom. Clean clothes and equipment are mandatory for all members.

-Be aware of your own hygiene. We are training in proximity with others, so please be considerate.

-Fingernails and toenails must be short for training.

-Indoor flip flops are required when walking off the mats. If you happen to forget them, please wear your socks for the day.

-Take your personal belongings home at the end of the day.

-Skin infections occur in all combat sports. Training with highly infectious skin conditions – Ringworm, Staph Infection, Impetigo, etc. is prohibited.



-Be considerate to your teammates/training partners. Treat everyone with respect.

 -Stay home if you’re feeling sick.

 -Training is not a competition. You have nothing to prove, we’re all here to get better.

 -Help keep the gym clean. If you make a mess clean it up.